College Student Internship Program Benchmarks ISBN:978-157440-348-0

by Sameer Joshi or 22-Jul-2015

College Student Internship Program Benchmarks 115-page study looks closely at how 45 colleges develop internships in the public and private sector for their students.  The report helps its readers to answer questions such as: how many colleges are developing internships for students and how many students are taking them?  In what field are students interning?  How many are in government agencies? Non-Profits?  Private companies?  Which companies and which colleges have exemplary programs?  What percentage of internships are paid?  How many hours per week do they typically require? What are the best strategies for recruiting institutions to participate in college internship program? How much staff time are colleges devoting to these programs? What are their plans for them in the future?

Just a few of the report’s many findings are that:

The colleges in the sample offered a median of internships from 100 institutions in the past year.

Survey participants were asked to estimate the percentage of students in the internship programs that after graduation end up working for the institution at         which they interned. For the entire sample, the mean and median figures were 21.97% and 17.00%, respectively.

Some companies cited as offering particularly attractive internship opportunities for college students were Agape, Walt Disney World, Target Stores, and Jet         Blue.

18.75% of public colleges in the sample have a line item in their college or departmental budgets for internship development and management.